Business Consulting | Coaching
Jack Alan Levine
Jack can help your business in many ways!
Jack Alan Levine offers business coaching and mentoring dedicated to helping individuals, teams and organizations achieve their goals. Improve your People, Sales, Performance and your Bottom Line!
Jack will guide you through complex issues! Improve your People, Sales, Performance and your Bottom Line!
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These are just some of his top clients
Jack worked for some of the top advertising agencies on Madison Avenue including NW Ayer and Bozell & Jacobs on some of the largest accounts in the country (AT&T, U.S. Army and Dupont). Jack was also founder of ADCLUB and was featured in ADWEEK and AD AGE Magazines and in advertising legends Whit Hobbs book “What I love About Advertising”. He started his own Ad Agency in l985 and then founded and managed a successful television production company in South Florida. For over a decade he served as Executive Producer on hundreds of national television shows and thousands of commercials. He sold that business in 2002 to devote more time and effort to entrepreneurial activities, ministry and philanthropy.
Jack continues to use his business skills and entrepreneurial gifts to own and build companies. Today his companies are involved in Renewable Energy, Media, Specialty Food Distribution, Publishing, Real Estate and Advertising/Marketing/Sales consulting. Jack remains a sought after Business advisor to many companies, executives and business owners.
Bruce Springsteen
Backstage with ‘The Boss’ in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, just in time to celebrate his 60th birthday. I quote one of his song lines when I preach to reach the hearts of lost people that gets them thinking, “it’s a sad man my friend/who’s living in his own skin/and can’t stand the company.” Bruce’s music has been a constant in my life since I was a teenager… and if you’ve seen one of his live shows you know there is nothing more exciting.
Don Mattingly
I told Don to make sure they spelled his name right on his baseball card, so we decided to take matters into our hands and not leave anything to chance.
Ed McMahon
Best advice I ever got in business came from Ed. He said even when he was doing all those Budweiser commercials and other TV shows with Dick Clark, he never strayed too far from the well, that being The Johnny Carson Show. His success on Johnny’s show is what allowed him to do all these other things. I applied that lesson “never stray to far from the well” to business with great success. Never go to far away from what is working. These days I’m still using Ed’s principals but now for God and His business of life.
Martin Lawrence
One funny dude… I asked him why he was wearing dark sunglasses at 10 in the morning and he said “its all about image, baby.” Like I said, a funny man!
Jenny Jones
Pulling a switch on Jenny Jones asking her the questions in a segment she was doing for ETV. Never made it on air. That was the beginning and end of my interviewing career.
Dan Ackroyd
From Saturday Light Live to Ghostbusters to looking like he was considering an executive career. I told him to stick to comedy!
Kelsey Grammer
Another man like me who has struggled with and seemingly overcome his addiction issues. I don’t know how he did it... for me it was the grace of God.
Geraldo Rivera
I was a kid when Geraldo broke the Willoughbrook story and became famous. All I wanted to know now was how do I get a moustache to grow on the side of my face.
Burt Reynolds
Burt is a Florida State football alumni and a great proponent of the arts and theatre in South Florida. Of course, his TV and movie career speaks for itself. I told him I thought we should do a movie about FSU football and he should play Coach Bowden. But we didn’t know Bowden had no plans of retiring... he’s still going.. and so is Burt!
Dan Marino
Super guy and one of the greatest quarterbacks ever. Here we are on the golf course in Lake Tahoe; if I remember correctly, we were talking about what steakhouse in South Florida was the best. My vote was New York Prime in Boca Raton.
Gary Carter
A great Christian man who has inspired many, and ran the MLB baseball chapel for many big leaguers. He’s laughing because I told him he could take the afternoon off and I’d catch in the Joe DiMaggio legends game. He didn’t think it was funny, but I meant it!
Derek Jeter
With Derek Jeter when he was a rookie... I told him to work hard, have faith in God and things would turn out just fine… looks like I got that one right!
Chris Hammond
A true Christian brother... walks the walk all the way. 100% sold out for God and an inspiration to me as a Christian. Chris is a champion for Christ and I especially enjoy our conversations when we share our testimonies, thoughts and hearts for God. Chris is a true light in a world of darkness and I’m proud to be his brother in Christ.
George Steinbrenner
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...At spring training with George some years ago, I’m not sure if George was considering offering me the Yankee GM spot but at that point I was only interested in ministry opportunities. Seems like the Yankees have fared OK without me.
George Foreman
Hanging out with the heavyweight champion of the world. George had a new short lived comedy series we were discussing, and of course he is an ordained minister and a true champion for God
John Maxwell
Here with John Maxwell, a man who has probably influenced more business people than anyone alive.
Joan Rivers
Very sweet lady and genuine. I always thought she was a shrewd businesswoman... who knew she’d be such a great
Jimmy Smits
At the Superbowl with Jimmy Smits in Miami. Game was a blowout but we had a blast behind the scenes.
Sargeant Slaughter
Showing me, literally, how easy it would be to snap my neck like a twig. At that point, I made the executive decision to keep quiet about any doubts I had that wrestling might not be real!
John Walsh
Host of America’s Most Wanted... A man I greatly admire for taking a personal tragedy and using it to benefit the world.
Jenny McCarthy
She had just became known back then and I was talking with her Dad who wanted to talk about TV projects for her. Most of her fame up to then had come from posing in magazines. Based on her “exposure” I didn’t think it was a good fit so we never worked together.
John Tesh
I asked John if he could play any Springsteen songs on his piano? It’s obvious one of us is a serious journalist... can you tell which one!
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
Joining astronaut Buzz Aldrin, I asked, “Buzz, which do you prefer moonwalking or a morning jog? By the way was Bill Lee really a spaceman? Buzz took my joking like the true American hero he is.
Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford
My idea was they come to Florida and shoot the show live down there... that wasn’t going over so well... so I suggested a whole week of shows on Jesus Christ... I’m still waiting!
Eric Estrada
When Eric is your friend, he’s your friend for life. A great guy
and someone I really wanted to use in an infomercial, but it seems his face
was already in most infomercials I was watching at the time. Anyway we had a lot of laughs and as you can see, hugs also!
David Hasselhoff and Henry Winkler
These guys were discussing a new project they wanted to do together... of course I told them they could always count on me… anyway they never called.
Pat Sajak and Vanna White
I ask the hard questions, so when I asked Vanna if the wheel was “fixed” she just grinned... I think Pat was starting to panic, especially with the photographers around. A good time was had by all!
Vice President Dan Quayle
As Vice President of The United States… I remember telling him we should “do lunch” if he becomes President... as you can see he just laughed! Never made lunch.
Kim Alexis
I had the opportunity to consider many of television and Hollywood’s top actresses, starlets and models for use in TV shows and commercials so it seemed people were extra nice to me, obviously because they thought I could pay them. For the record Kim was genuinely nice!
Keith Jackson
An NFL superstar, we are discussing his future broadcasting career at a television conference in Las Vegas.
Joe Namath
Great quarterback and a NY legend. Joe and
I shared some of the same battles off the field as we struggled with addictions, but you won’t find a nicer guy. My prayer for Joe is that he has found the peace of God and is enjoying every minute of his life.